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UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2010
UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2010
Yellowstone Lake is the subject of exciting research by Jinjun Kan, the microbial ecologist who will join the Stroud Water Research Center in the spring.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Aquatic invertebrate community structure along an intermittence gradient: Selwyn River, New Zealand
Arscott, D.B., S.T. Larned, M. Scarsbrook, and P. Lambert. 2010. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 29(2):530–545.
Stroud Center to Host Film Festival  on February 11, 2010
Stroud Center to Host Film Festival on February 11, 2010
“These films provide us with an important platform to show how water is at the heart of almost every environmental issue we face,” said Bern Sweeney.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Trophic transfer of Cd from natural periphyton to the grazing mayfly Centroptilum triangulifer in a life cycle test
Xie, L., D.H. Funk, and D.B. Buchwalter. 2010. Environmental Pollution 158:272–277.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
First report of Ecpyrrhorrhoe puralis (South) (Pyraloidea: Crambidae: Pyraustinae) in North America: A naturalized exotic Pyraustine from Asia feeding on Paulownia Siebold & Zucc.
Solis, M.A., B.G. Scholtens, J.K. Adams, and D.H. Funk. 2010. The Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 64(1):33–35.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Riparian BUFFers, making our riparian areas strong
Fetter, J.R., S.S. Smith, A.E. Spotts, K.R. Myers, M.Z. Royer, C. Medved, and D.J. Oleson. 2010. Part of 4-H Water Project: Unit 3 — Supplement. Penn State Cooperative Extension, State
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Mitigation of nonpoint pollution by a riparian forest buffer in an agricultural watershed of the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont
Newbold, J.D., S. Herbert, and B.W. Sweeney. 2009. Stroud Preserve Watersheds National Monitoring Project Final Report.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Mayfly communities in two neotropical lowland forests
Sweeney, B.W., R.W. Flowers, D.H. Funk, S. Ávila, and J.K. Jackson. 2009. Aquatic Insects 31:311–318.
Effects of Drilling For Natural Gas
Effects of Drilling For Natural Gas
November 8, 2009. Rodale News: Stroud Center scientist Louis Kaplan, Ph.D. was interviewed about the effects of drilling for natural gas on freshwater systems.
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2009
UpStream Newsletter, Fall 2009
The Stroud Center and the University of Delaware will study whether human-induced erosion modifies greenhouse gas emissions from the landscape.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Monitoring the health of large rivers with macroinvertebrates: do dominant taxa help or hinder the assessment?
Jackson, J.K., J.M. Battle, and B.W. Sweeney. 2009. River Research and Applications 26(8):931–947.
Four scientist taking samples in White Clay Creek.
Critical Zone Observatory Seeks to Answer Climate Change Questions
Project aims to determine how soil erosion and sediment transport through rivers impact carbon exchange between land and atmosphere, and affect climate.