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A troop of Girl Scouts in five red canoes on a lake.

Girl Scout Cadette Canoeing Program: Think Like a Citizen Scientist Award

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Girl Scout Cadettes, join Stroud Water Research Center for a discovery-based, on-the-water canoeing adventure on a reservoir teeming with aquatic life!

Four educators at a table in an outdoor pavilion learning how to use the Pocket Macros app.

On the Screen and in the Stream: Expanding Support of Adult Audiences

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In addition to virtual programming, our education department offers open enrollment professional development workshops and partners closely with local school districts.

Tips for Successful Grant Writing webinar

Tips for Successful Environmental and Sustainability Education Grant Proposals

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In this webinar, successful grant writers and program officers of funding agencies share how to read a request for proposal, where to find grants, and other tips for success.

Two girls wearing waders record stream study data in notebooks.

Trout Unlimited STREAM Girls Program

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Join Stroud Water Research Center and Trout Unlimited this spring for STREAM Girls, an outdoor watershed experience that combines science, technology, engineering, art, and math (STEAM) with recreational fly-fishing to empower today’s girls to become tomorrow’s leaders.

April Pancoast

400 400 Stroud Water Research Center

Part-Time Environmental Educator

Free Educator Workshop! Wild and Scenic Rivers in the Face of Climate Change.

[Virtual Educator Workshop] Wild and Scenic Rivers in the Face of Climate Change: An Immersion in White Clay Creek

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

This workshop will focus on tools, resources, and ideas that pertain to climate change impacts and how to improve our choices around freshwater resources while focusing on a very special place on the planet, White Clay Creek watershed.

Publication title with image of a mayfly

Model My Watershed: an investigation into the role of big data, technology, and models in promoting student interest in watershed action

350 210 Stroud Water Research Center

Marcum-Dietrich, N., S. Kerlin, A. Hendrix, N. Sorhagen, C. Staudt, and Z. Krauss. 2021. The Journal of Environmental Education 52(4).

Crafty As a Caddisfly Brownie Bugs Badge 2021

Crafty As a Caddisfly: Brownie Bugs Badge

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Did you know that creeping, crawling insects are some of the most SPOOKTACULAR storytellers of our streams? Brownies, get your boots wet this Halloween weekend to earn your Bug Badge!

Stroud Center Engages English Language Learners in Watershed STEM

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Students at the Migrant Education Summer Camp went on an online watershed expedition to learn about their local watersheds.

[CANCELED] Return of the STREAM Girls!

800 448 Stroud Water Research Center

The Wednesday program has been CANCELED due to low interest in the weekday program option. The program will only be offered on Sunday.