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Streamside Forests

Three brook trout in a stream.

Bringing Eastern Brook Trout Back to Red Clay Creek

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

In Pennsylvania, property owners and farmers are transforming their lands to restore a stream’s health and its native fish.

How to Properly Install Bird Nets on Tree Shelters

How to Properly Install Bird Nets on Tree Shelters

1024 576 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how to install nets to prevent cavity-nesting birds from being trapped while allowing the young tree to grow out of the shelter without being entangled.

Still from a how to apply stone mulch video.

How to Apply Stone Mulch to Protect Sheltered Trees From Rodents

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Trials comparing the use of stone mulch versus herbicides for rodent control around young trees suggest that stone is a superior mulch material and that tree survival rates are comparable between the two methods.

Still from a how to plant a tree in a buffer video.

How to Plant a Small Containerized Seedling in a Riparian Forest Buffer

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch step-by-step instructions on how to plant a tree in a riparian forest buffer and protect it from deer, rodents, and flood damage to increase survivability.

Stone mulch at the base of a sheltered tree, protecting it from rodent damage.

Stone Rivals Herbicides as New Method to Protect Baby Trees From Rodents

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

During the first five years of growth, young trees need to be protected from chewing — from deer above and rodents below.

Jeff and Sue Frey in front of farm buildings, photo courtesy of American Agriculturist.

Stroud Center Partners Named Mid-Atlantic Master Farmers

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Jeff and Sue Frey received a lifetime achievement award that recognizes exemplary role models of outstanding management, land stewardship, and community leadership. 

Linford Weber and Deanne Boyer of Willow Run Farm

On the Road to Restoration

800 600 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how far our watershed restoration program has come in nearly 10 years and where we’re going to help farms adopt science-based solutions that restore healthy streams.

2022 Lancaster Water Week Stream Care Workday

Stream Care Workday

800 400 Stroud Water Research Center

Help take care of our streamsides across Lancaster County! We will be planting trees, weeding, and tending to native plantings.

Some Insights on Reforestation Methods

Some Insights on Reforestation Methods

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Watch a video presentation outlining our research and case studies on how to maximize tree survival and growth in forested stream buffers.

Greg Wilson with a small fish in a net.

In Memoriam: Greg Wilson

800 613 Stroud Water Research Center

It is with heavy hearts that we say goodbye to our friend Greg Wilson, a force for good in the restoration of Lancaster County’s freshwater streams.