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Sunset over a farm field.

Your Land and Legacy: Resources for Agricultural Landowners

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Learn how non-operating agricultural landowners can plan and coordinate better with farm operators to enhance soil health, soil and water conservation, and crop productivity.

Chukkas, Caddisflies, and Chapeaus Was a Success!

800 534 Stroud Water Research Center

Two years after planting 1,500 trees at the Brandywine Polo Club, the Stroud Center returned with guests to enjoy the sport of polo and a party at the pavilion.

Four scientists collect simulated rainfall from soil in a cornfield in White Clay Creek watershed.

Saving Streams With Good Science

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Building trust in the scientific process starts with communicating our research to non-scientists. To that end, our scientists share snapshots of three long-term experiments.

2021 entomology summer intern group photo.

Meet Our 2021 Summer Interns

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Our summer internship program, now in its 49th year, has ushered through hundreds of interns seeking meaningful learning experiences.

Logical Living Donates in Support of Freshwater Stewardship

717 403 Stroud Water Research Center

Husband-and-wife duo Kevin and Tobi Quinlan say their donation will directly support the Stroud Center’s watershed restoration efforts in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.

The Watershed Education Mobile Lab is coming in fall 2021.

Coming to Your Site Soon: The Watershed Education Mobile Lab!

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

As a new initiative to increase accessibility, our educators will soon be able to travel to your school, community, or group location to deliver meaningful watershed education programming.

Kristen McCarthy at Niagara Falls.

Meet “Waterfallologist” Kristen McCarthy

750 562 Stroud Water Research Center

McCarthy’s friends started calling her a “waterfallologist” during her undergrad years. A continuing focus on water quality and resources led her to the Stroud Center.

Brian and Lynette Saunder at the fence that keeps their cattle away from the newly planted buffer.

Lancaster Farm Buffers Its Effect on Chesapeake Bay

800 451 Stroud Water Research Center

“God blessed us with this land, and we want to do our little part in conserving it and just making it a better place for everyone,” Lynette Sauder said.

2021 Lancaster Water Week webinar video

The Food, Farming, and Water Connection

558 314 Stroud Water Research Center

Find out how you can make choices that support local organic and regenerative farmers who are dedicated to healthy food, healthy land, and clean water.

Behind the Lens and Below the Surface

800 450 Stroud Water Research Center

Conservation photographer and photojournalist Jennifer Adler takes on an underwater journey as she uses her imagery to communicate science and conservation.