
Watershed Restoration

Interested in streamside buffers or soil health practices for your property? Please tell us about your interest here.

Watershed Restoration: A Shared Public and Private Investment

Stroud Water Research Center works hand in hand with landowners, helping them use their land more effectively through whole-farm planning and watershed stewardship.

Our expert team sets up the collaborations and partnerships necessary to achieve the highest level of freshwater conservation. The Stroud Center and many partner groups and agencies have secured over $20 million dollars through USDA’s Resource Conservation Partnership Program to support agriculture conservation and restoration projects on farms in the Delaware and Chesapeake Bay watersheds.

Archival photo of Robin L. Vannote, Ph.D., working at an indoor stream flume.

The Robin L. Vannote Watershed Restoration Program is named for Robin Vannote, Ph.D., a research scientist and the Stroud Center’s first director. Under Vannote’s leadership, the Stroud Center evolved from a dream to an institution at the forefront of freshwater research. The Stroud Center has benefited enormously from Vannote’s hard work, keen insight, and long-term scientific vision since 1966, and the naming of the Watershed Restoration Program is a fitting tribute.

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Watershed Restoration Staff

Photo of Lisa Blazure

Lisa Blazure

Soil Health Coordinator
Will Curley wearing a Philadelphia Eagles jersey.

Wills Curley

Watershed Restoration Project Coordinator
Headshot of Rebecca Duczkowski.

Rebecca Duczkowski

Assistant Director of Donor Relations
Headshot of Matt Ehrhart.

Matthew Ehrhart

Director of Watershed Restoration
Headshot of Lamonte Garber

Lamonte Garber

Watershed Restoration Coordinator
Amanda Garzio-Hadzick

Amanda Garzio-Hadzick

Watershed Restoration Specialist
Headshot of Abby Horst.

Abby Horst

Watershed Restoration Assistant
Headshot of Heather Titanich.

Heather Titanich

Watershed Restoration Coordinator
Headshot of David Wise.

David Wise

Watershed Restoration Manager
Calen Wylie

Calen Wylie

Watershed Restoration Program Assistant

Watershed Restoration News

A young streamside forest in Franklin Township, Pennsylvania.
Streamside Forest Buffers Preserving Water Quality
Research has shown that streamside forests minimize pollutants reaching the water and help streams cleanse themselves of pollutants that do reach the water.
Planting a streamside forest on a farm.
Watershed Restoration: Linking Research, Education and Action
We engage the public in watershed restoration by helping landowners implement best management practices and plant streamside forest buffers.
Westtown School students learn about monitoring streamside forests.
Students Take to the Woods to Monitor Streamside Forests
This spring, more than 130 students helped Stroud Center educators and watershed restoration staff monitor streamside forests in the Middle-Schuylkill and Brandywine-Christina watersheds.
A child plants a tree in a riparian buffer.
Volunteers Plant 1,140 Trees for National Volunteer Week
The Stroud Center celebrated National Volunteer Week with help from Exelon Generation, BB&T, Cheshire Hunt Conservancy, Colonial Pipeline, Dansko, Hugh Lofting Timber Framing, and local community members.
Photo of cows standing in a stream
Q & A: Rewarding Private Behavior to Enhance the Commons
Stroud Center president Bern Sweeney, Ph.D., and Jamie Blaine published an op-ed piece in the September 2016 issue of Freshwater Science proposing a new system to reward private behavior to
Bern Sweeney looks over a level lip spreader
Partnership in Cover Crop Research Bears Fruit
Cover cropping coach, Steve Groff, explains in Lancaster Farming how a project at Meadow Springs Farm is a rare opportunity for Stroud Water Research Center scientists to closely observe and