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Sharing 21st Century Tools With Educators

689 518 Stroud Water Research Center

Two professional development workshops highlighted resources to engage students in learning about watersheds, stream health, and water quality.

Get Your Boots Wet With Our Education Training Events

800 533 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center is pleased to announce the expansion of watershed education professional development and training events.

Stroud Center educators visiting Lamotte Company.

Stroud Center Educators Visit the Lamotte Company

804 685 Stroud Water Research Center

Our educators visited the Lamotte Company recently to discuss our product line and our partnership. Lamotte sells a few of our education products including the Leaf Pack Experiment Stream Ecology Kit.

Screenshot from Model My Watershed release 1.18.

Have You Used Our WikiWatershed Toolkit?

800 800 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center’s WikiWatershed initiative is a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water. The toolkit…

Educators Go “Virtual” After Hurricane Cancels Conference

450 300 Stroud Water Research Center

Hurricane Maria forced the North American Association of Environmental Education to cancel its annual conference. After reaching out to support their Puerto Rican partners, they then organized a “virtual conference” to share highlights of what had been planned.

DNB First Renews Its EITC Support

800 535 Stroud Water Research Center

DNB First’s support will allow the Stroud Center to make its school programs, field trips, and professional development workshops available at no or reduced cost to public school districts whose budgets might not otherwise be able to offer the innovative educational programs in support of their regular curricula.

Thomas P. Bentley Muddy Boots Fund for Chester County Council, BSA Programs

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The establishment of the Muddy Boots fund has made Stroud Water Research Center education programs free for youth in Chester County Council, Boy Scouts of America. Programs have expanded to…

Teaching Environmental Sustainability — Model My Watershed

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center educators and scientists continued to enhance the Model My Watershed application and refined the model curriculum for middle and high school students. This project is completed…

Brandywine River Trek

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

The Coatesville Youth Initiative Brandywine Trek is a youth leadership and environmental awareness program that combines outdoor learning over five days along the Brandywine River. Trek activities build leadership skills,…

Greening STEM Technologies: A Model for Advancing Do-It- Yourself (DIY) Environmental Sensing Networks to Support Citizen Science and Primary and Secondary Education

800 532 Stroud Water Research Center

Stroud Water Research Center education and technical staff created STEM technologies to enhance public capabilities in citizen science. Partnerships with schools will lead to curricula and tools and the installation…