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Publication title with image of a mayfly
Synthesis of 13C-labeled tracer for stream DOC: labeling tulip poplar carbon with 13CO2
Wiegner, T.N., L.A. Kaplan, J.D. Newbold, and P.H. Ostrom. 2005. Ecosystems 8:501–511.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Young organic matter as a source of carbon dioxide outgassing from Amazonian rivers
Mayorga, E., A.K. Aufdenkampe, C.A. Masiello, A.V. Krusche, J.I. Hedges, P.D. Quay, and J.E. Richey. 2005. Nature 436(7050):538–541.
Anthony Aufdenkampe taking water samples from the Pixiam River in Brazil
Amazon Source of 5-Year-Old River Breath
Most of the carbon being outgassed as carbon dioxide from Amazonian rivers and wetlands has spent a mere five years sequestered in the plants and soils of the surrounding landscape.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Lateral organization of aquatic invertebrates along the continuum of a braided-floodplain river
Arscott, D.B., K. Tockner, J.V. Ward. 2005. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24:934–945.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Scientific underpinnings of sediment quality guidelines
Bately, G.E., R.G. Stahl Jr., M.P. Babut, T.L. Bott, et al. 2005. Pages 39–119 in R.W. Wenning, G. Batley, C. Ingersoll, and D.W. Moore (editors). Use of sediment quality guidelines
In memoriam: W. B. Dixon Stroud
UpStream Newsletter, Spring 2005
W. B. Dixon Stroud has left a remarkable impact on southern Chester County, his home for the past 50 years, and beyond.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Fluctuations of dissolved organic matter in river used for drinking water and impacts on conventional treatment plant performance
Volk, C., L.A. Kaplan, J. Robinson, B. Johnson, L. Wood, H.W. Zhu, and M. LeChevallier. 2005. Environmental Science and Technology 39(11):4258–4264.
Stroud Center Receives Science Initiative Challenge Grant
Stroud Center Receives Science Initiative Challenge Grant
Thanks to the generosity the “Friends of the Stroud Center,” we have met the Kresge Challenge to raise $1 million to endow equipment and instruments.
A stream cascade in Lofty Creek, Pennsylvania.
Efeitos das mudanças do uso da terra na biogeoquímica dos corpos d’água da bacia do rio Ji-Paraná Rondônia
Krusche, A.V., M.V.R. Ballester, R.L. Victoria, M.C. Bernardes, N.K. Leite, L. Hanada, R. Marcondes, D.dC. Victoria, A.M. Toledo, J.P. Ometto, M.Z. Moreira, B.M. Gomes, M.A. Bolson, S.G. Neto, N. Bonelli,
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Contribution of dissolved organic carbon to stream metabolism estimated with 13C-enriched tree tissue leachate
Wiegner, T.N.,L.A. Kaplan, J.D. Newbold, and P.H. Ostrom. 2005. Journal North American Benthological Society 24:48–67.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
The role of organic matter in structuring microbial communities
Kaplan, L., M. Hullar, L. Sappelsa, D. Stahl, P. Hatcher, and S. Frazier. 2005. American Water Works Association, Denver, Colorado.