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Explore "Wonders of Water" With Us at Philly Flower Show
Explore “Wonders of Water” With Us at Philly Flower Show
Visit two exhibits featuring our research, education, and watershed restoration or hear us speak at the Water Summit!
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Projected climate change impacts on hydrologic flow regimes in the Great Plains of Kansas
Chatterjee, S., M.D. Daniels, A.Y. Sheshukov, and J. Gao. 2018. River Research and Applications 34(3):195–206.
Publication title with image of a mayfly
Why adult mayflies of Cloeon dipterum (Ephemeroptera:Baetidae) become smaller as temperature warms
Sweeney, B.W., D.H. Funk, A.A. Camp, D.B. Buchwalter, and J.K. Jackson. 2018. Freshwater Science 37(1):64–81.
Get Your Boots Wet With Our Education Training Events
Get Your Boots Wet With Our Education Training Events
Stroud Water Research Center is pleased to announce the expansion of watershed education professional development and training events.
Graphs showing conductivity trends in streams in winter and summer
EnviroDIY Sensors Track Road Salt Levels in Streams
During thaws and rain events, road salt is carried into streams where it can have chronic and sometimes acute effects on biological communities.
Stroud Center educators visiting Lamotte Company.
Stroud Center Educators Visit the Lamotte Company
Our educators visited the Lamotte Company recently to discuss our product line and our partnership. Lamotte sells a few of our education products including the Leaf Pack Experiment Stream Ecology
Deep purple fruit on an elderberry bush.
Berries and Nuts: a Different Approach to Riparian Buffers
Planting trees and shrubs on streamside crop land improves water quality. What if you could plant a buffer that would protect a stream and yield a crop?
Nature’s Engineers: Beavers Provide Benefits to Streams
Nature’s Engineers: Beavers Provide Benefits to Streams
“Before European colonization, beavers would have been ubiquitous across the northern United States Great Lakes region,” explains Melinda Daniels, Associate Research Scientist and Principal Investigator of the Fluvial Geomorphology Group.
Screenshot from Model My Watershed release 1.18.
Have You Used Our WikiWatershed Toolkit?
Stroud Water Research Center’s WikiWatershed initiative is a web toolkit designed to help citizens, conservation practitioners, municipal decision-makers, researchers, educators, and students advance knowledge and stewardship of fresh water. The toolkit
Educators Go "Virtual" After Hurricane Cancels Conference
Educators Go “Virtual” After Hurricane Cancels Conference
Hurricane Maria forced the North American Association of Environmental Education to cancel its annual conference. After reaching out to support their Puerto Rican partners, they then organized a "virtual conference"
DNB First Renews Its EITC Support
DNB First Renews Its EITC Support
DNB First’s support will allow the Stroud Center to make its school programs, field trips, and professional development workshops available at no or reduced cost to public school districts whose budgets might not
Meridian Bank Contributes Funds for Educational Programs
Meridian Bank Contributes Funds for Educational Programs
Stroud Water Research Center gratefully acknowledges Meridian Bank’s recent gift through the Pennsylvania Education Improvement Tax Credits (EITC) program. The EITC program enables the Stroud Center to provide innovative programs at