Research Projects
List is in reverse chronological order and represents the most recent completed project year. See also: Featured Research Projects
Learning to See, Seeing to Learning
Using Microbial Source Tracking to Identify Potential Bacterial Sources in White Clay Creek
Source Tracking and Spatial/Temporal Dynamics of Bacterial Contaminants in Red Clay Creek
Soil Microbes and Bean Nutrients in Organic and Conventional Systems
Restoration Project Impact Assessment in Support of Delaware River Watershed Initiative
North American Macroinvertebrate Taxonomic Certification Program
Monitoring Fish Populations and Stream Habitat Quality for the National Park Service
Molecular Ecology of Archaea in Aquatic and Terrestrial Environments
Microbial Population Dynamics of Periphyton Biofilms in White Clay Creek
Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology: River Ecosystem Responses to Floodplain Restoration
Land Protection Impact Assessment in Support of Delaware River Watershed Initiative
Impact of Land Management of Practices on Winter Squash Yield and Post-Harvest Nutrient Density
Evaluating the Effects of Watershed-Scale Agricultural Best Management Practices on Water Quality
Evaluating and Updating Data Collection Protocols in National Parks of the National Capital Region
Dynamics of Phytoplankton Growth and Transport in River Networks From Local to Continental Scales
Brandywine Stream Stewards: Community Action in Support of Healthy Waters
Biological Nitrogen Removal in Sediment Plumes: A Critical but Missing Component of Watershed Models
Phytoplankton Dynamics at the Brandywine River
Thermal Limitation in Aquatic Insects: Implications for Freshwater Biodiversity in a Warming World
Delaware River Watershed Initiative Community Science Phase II
Delaware River Watershed Initiative Phase II Work in Focus Areas
Transforming Water Quality in the Sharitz Run Headwaters of Brandywine Creek
Restoring Flood Attenuation and Ecological Resiliency in the Mid-Atlantic Piedmont
Parthenogenesis (Virgin Reproduction), Hybridization, and Life History Plasticity in Mayflies
Water-Quality Monitoring at Fair Hill Training Center
Transforming Water Quality in the White Clay Creek Headwaters of Christina River Basin
Trajectories of Biofilm Succession and Recovery
Land Use Effects on Stream Thermal Regime
Pathogen and Water-Quality Monitoring at White Clay Creek
Ecotoxicity Study for Mayflies Exposed to Elevated Concentrations of Sulfate
Threats and Opportunities in the Conservation of Native Pelagic Spawning Fishes in Kansas
White Clay Creek Stream Watch Project
Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology: Costa Rica
Long-Term Research in Environmental Biology: White Clay Creek, Pennsylvania
Ecotoxicity Study for Mayflies Exposed to Elevated Concentrations of Chloride
American Chestnut Foundation Leaf Feeding Study
Searching for DNA in Water To Test for the Presence of Freshwater Mussels
Sediment Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)
Collaborative CZO Research: The Role of Metals in Nitrogen Cycling of Soils and Streams
Earthworm Invasion: Investigating Changes in Soil Chemistry and Carbon Sequestration
Water Quality Assessment in California Using DNA Barcoding
Water Quality Impacts of the Interoceanic Highway in the Eastern Andes Amazon Headwaters Region
Origin of Striped Bass Collected in the Delaware River for Toxics in Biota Monitoring
Fish Dispersal Across a Riparian Habitat Gradient
Testing a Proxy of Historical Nutrient Status Using Diatom-Bound Nitrogen Isotopes
The First Assessment of Congo River Organic Matter Chemistry and Reactivity
Marine Sediments Microbial Fuel Cells (MFCs)
Algal and Macroinvertebrate Responses To Elevated Phosphorus Concentrations in Pennsylvania Streams
Dynamics of Organic Particles in River Ecosystems
The Application of Scaling Rules to Energy Flow in Stream Ecosystems
Fish Inventories in the Christina River Basin
Easter Island: Reconstructing the Failure of a Civilization
Spatial and Temporal Variation in Water Quality Among Major Tributaries of the Schuylkill River
Abandoned Mine Drainage Remediation and Stream Function
Connecting the Hydrologic Cycle From Hillslopes to River Networks
The Importance of Streamside Reforestation for Reducing Nonpoint-Source Pollution in Small Streams
Nutrient Balances in an Estuarine Salt Marsh
Effects of Land Use on Water Quality of Streams and Rivers on the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Storm-Driven Carbon Burial in the Andean Amazon
Particulate Organic Matter in Great River Ecosystems
Stroud Preserve Reforested Riparian Buffer Project